No Wave

No Wave

No Wave - I found it via "No New York" the Brian Eno produced compilation near the time of its release. I know that was true as I read a review of the record in "Rollingstone" magazine, after I had already got he record.  It had an instant appeal to me and even now when I listen to the Contortion tracks is sounds like the angriest record every made. The Contortions make the Sex Pistols sound polite. Lydia Lunch was ironic teen poet extraordinaire, Mars were unsettling and DNA was kids doing rock'n'roll for adults.

The Reaction

Rollingstone, always on the look out for "important" said, "But even the Contortions, good as they are, arent quite convincing enough to prove that No Wave will ever be more than a fringe movement".

Funny how hindsight works as now No Wave is seen as highly influential, so I guess they got that wrong.